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How to improve digital banking performance

Digital banking nowadays is a must for customers and companies. But what are the benefits of it? How can you improve your digital banking performance? In this blog post, we will answer these and other questions. Stay tuned!

1. Provide End-to-End Digital Onboarding

The new customer onboarding process starts with the application for a new account/service and continues until the customer is fully engaged in the relationship. While most institutions have digitized some aspects of the application process, the vast majority still require some interaction with physical channels. This is especially true for mobile app development processes.


“Broken processes” are becoming less and less acceptable in the eyes of consumers. The consumer anticipates ease of completion as well as the ability to use security, authentication, and digital documentation capabilities to streamline the entire process.

2. Create an Integrated Multichannel Experience

The banking industry must shift its focus from determining the best channel mix to determining what works best for each individual customer. This has been referred to as an omnichannel experience (finding the optimum channel for each customer for each engagement).

It is also about seamless integration between touchpoints. Unfortunately, very few organizations have the ability to support the initiating of a journey on one channel and the completion of another. This is particularly noticeable during the onboarding stage of engagement at banks and credit unions.

Besides, increasing customer experience is always focused, and automation dxp is one of the most optimal solutions. SmartOSC is at the forefront of helping banks deploy these solutions.

3. Remove Internal Silos


At many organizations, getting a 360° view of the customer is difficult at best, making providing personalized solutions nearly impossible. As a result, most customer communications are product-based rather than customer-based.

Because of this siloed structure, most organizations struggle to help customers optimize their checking and savings balances or provide informed debt reduction strategies. The customer does not value individual product distinctions in their banking relationship, and neither should their bank or credit union.

4. Increase Customer Value with Open Banking

Open banking is a fantastic opportunity for banks to better integrate with a wide range of financial and non-financial services, allowing customers to build a network of tools to help them achieve their financial goals. Future banking platforms will combine insights from multiple financial organizations, as part of an improved PFM.

Open banking also allows a bank to become the hub of a customer’s entire lifestyle. It is about creating an open ecosystem in which consumers can choose which services to connect – and these services do not have to be financial.


5. Combine AI with IoT

The next generation of advanced analytics and digital devices will forever alter how consumers bank. This new AI-IoT combination may eliminate not only the need for online banking but also smartphone banking. As a result, consumers’ lives can be made easier.

How to improve your digital banking experience?

Overall, banks should focus on creating a more customer-centric digital world that is easy to use and understand. They need to make sure their websites are user-friendly and mobile-responsive. 

In addition, banks should provide clear and concise information about their products and services. Furthermore, they need to offer competitive rates and fees. Lastly, banks need to improve their customer service in order to create a better overall experience for their customers. 

How will you improve digital banking performance at your bank? Contact SmartOSC Fintech right now to have more useful advice about technology solutions for your organization

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